The ugliest blog

After lot of tinkering around I somehow managed to make my blog the ugliest. The editing feature gave up and now my writings are looking all cramped up starving for space. When I am reading something, I like to read that is flowing perfectly with enough space between paragraphs telling me its a paragraph. My writing simply doesn't have paragraphs, infact its looking like it doesn't want paragraphs and the alignment is not aligning. What was once a presentable look now looks so ugly starving for space and some decent writing.

Honestly, the theme is making me sick too. All I need to do is change the colors like some of the blogs I have been complaining about, and I am sure I will take the award for the ugliest blog. Seriously thinking of changing to wordpress.

ps- still in experimenting mood.


  1. Thank God it is now fixed. I logged in here in the morning and was greeted with what looked like a tapestry of confusion. I tried to leave a comment but it was not possible. I hit the "Post a Comment" button half a dozen times ... the page seems to shimmer a bite - but nothing. After a while I left - wondering if this was karmic justice for that complaint you made about blogs that looked terrible :)

  2. Yeshey on May 23, 2011 6:06 AM said...

    Something wrong here ... I mean the time shown is wrong. I posted my comment at 7.06PM - not what is shown above. Is that reflecting your computer time? Or is this some kind of bug?

  3. and i am still on this wild spree looking for templates.hehehe

  4. i am done i think. downloaded some templates, played with the html, did everything and decided to stick to this one. simple and non-fussy after i fussed around for two days. too much for one blog.

  5. OK .. seems like I am now able to post. I tried yesterday but I couldn't.

    I assumed you were in Samchi ... seems like you are some where very far to West of Bhutan :) From the time difference, you ought to be somewhere in North America?

  6. That wasnt a great puzzle after all. Yea, I am done here though will be back home soon.


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